About Us

Craft Wellpoints & Irrigation has over 15 years experience in the Cape Town area and is proud to offer a full house service at reasonable costs in the interests of good business and sound environmental practice - we believe that everyone should have a wellpoint!

Every job is personally supervised by the owner and quality assured by his presence at the sinking of the wellpoint.

We do charge a nominal fee as per standard industry policy for the time lost. In the unlikely event that we cannot find water, there will be a fee of R 2750.00. In all the time we have been doing wellpoints we have had a 96% success rate. Our policy is to do a proper investigation of the area before we start the job. There are certain areas that do not have sufficient water for a wellpoint. Naturally the client has the last say and if he insists that we do a wellpoint, we will do our utmost to get water for him.

The photo below is at a house where there are no surrounding wellpoints in the area. The Client insisted and with three wellpoints (holes), we were able to give him enough water to run his irrigation system.